2 part assignment 2 files The preliminary Template is the small part and the Me

2 part assignment 2 files
The preliminary Template is the small part and the Me

2 part assignment 2 files
The preliminary Template is the small part and the Memorandum is the main work
IDL Problem Identification
Information and Data Literacy Resource:
Problem Identification
Four Phases of Solving a Problem from
Polya, G. (2014). How to solve it: A new aspect of mathematical method. (2nd Princeton Science Library ed.). Princeton University Press. (original work published 1945).
The method below was first published in 1945 by Stanford University Professor George Polya. The process this book documents is so widely regarded it has been re-published in many editions since then. What you will see as you look at this is that the critical first half of solving a math-based problem, the kind you will face professionally, is not doing the math calculations. (This document is a paraphrasing of the more detailed presentation in Polya’s book, except where it specifically indicates it is quoting elements of the text.)
Phase 1: “Understand the Problem” (Polya, 2014, p. 5) (IDL Assignments 3 & 4) –In this phase you determine what the problem is by answering questions. It can be helpful to highlight in a variety of ways the problem stated, the data provided, and the other information provided. To aid with this, below are some questions Polya recommends you ask:
“What is the unknown?” Polya (2014, p. 7) suggests that you review the problem until you are clear on what is being asked for. What needs to be found out?
For engineers and computer scientists this is often provided in written format by a client as a place to start from in a document called a “Request for Proposal,” a document you respond to in order to get work.
“What are the data?” (Polya, 2014, p. 8) What have you been provided? All information you receive should be considered important. How does the data relate to what you have been asked to find? Can you draw or diagram the problem? In professional practice, data may not always be provided. When this happens, you will have an extra step of figuring out what kind of data is needed to address your problem.
“What is the condition?” (Polya, 2014, p. 8) Do you understand the entire situation? What limits or standards are provided? What do these things indicate about your problem? You should not move forward until you understand the condition(s) described.
In professional practice, it is not uncommon to need to ask clarifying questions to fully understand a problem. Get in the habit of doing this now, while you are in school. Asking a question is always better than making a time-consuming mistake.
Phase 2: Devise a Plan (IDL Assignment 4) – Polya (2014) This is the phase where you invest time in looking at the knowns to determine the best way to get to the answer for the unknown. This is the phase where you will need to understand the potential of your tools, among them probability and statistics, in order to determine how to solve the problem. Polya provides additional questions for this phase:
“Do you know a related problem?” (Polya, 2014, p. 9) Is there something about this problem that is similar to a problem you have solved in the past? (Think about the unknown.) If so, can how you solved the earlier problem help you solve this one? Can you restate the problem in a way that aligns it with something you have done in the past?
“Did you use the whole condition?” (Polya, 2014, p. 10) Is all the provided input information addressed as part of the problem?
Phase 3: Carry Out the Plan (IDL Assignment 4) – Polya indicates that patience is critical for this step as you need to check each step in applying the tools you have to determine the unknown.
Integrate “formerly acquired knowledge” (Polya, 2014, p. 12). Because you have determined there is a similarity in the characteristics of the unknown to a problem you have solved in the past, you are applying familiar evaluation processes to a new problem.
Can you prove that your work is correct? Develop a mentally disciplined approach.Check each step as you go (intuitively or formally) Can you prove each step is correct?
Phase 4: Review and Discuss the Solution (IDL Assignment 4) – In professional practice, this step is often formalized in a review phase that is completed by a second professional who is responsible for evaluating that what has been done is reasonably, completely, and correctly executed.
“Can you check your argument?” (Polya, 2014, p. 15) Check the argument you are making. Check the result. Can the result be derived differently?
Did you use all the data and information to solve the problem? Have you considered all the important elements of the problem?
2: Review the Assigned Problem, Response Structure, and Data and Complete the IDL 3 Preliminary TemplateReview the Problem Statement, Assignment Elements, and the Problem Support Information in IDL 3 Final. They will provide background you need for this preliminary assignment. Complete the provided template. For answers that require more than one or two words or numbers, you must use your own words. For elements 1 and 2 answer the questions on the template. For Element 3 of the assignment Review the two ChatGPT general examples Download ChatGPT general examples to : Identify what audience(s) for whom they best communicate what the analysis accomplished
Highlight elements of the documents that might be starting points for your final document
Provide comments in the texts about how you will make changes to the document to make it specific to your problem and audienc
The following reading will provide you with input you need to successfully complete this assignment. Word Choice for Precision and accuracy (Technical Information) on The Civil Engineering Writing Project website, Materials for Courses & Independent Study webpage.
Write for your Audience on the Federal Government’s Plain Language web page.
Choose Your Words Carefully and Be Concise are two resources on the Plain Language guide developed by the Federal Government. While these are guides anyone publishing government information for the public is to follow, this website and the downloadable guide are valuable resources for anyone having to address the public. They are helpful for writing to the audience for this assignment
In 2016, the city managers of Solare, Florida, installed porcelain tile on the interior floors of 18 of the neighborhood community centers in the city. They aimed to upgrade the facilities’ quality and rent them for private functions. In addition, they wanted the facilities to be easy to maintain and safe for users. Designers recommended Porcelain tile manufactured by Amar Porcelain for all floors because of its upscale appearance, durability, and slip-resistant properties.However, city leaders were concerned about users slipping on these floors. Foot traffic during summer storms, spills, and plumbing issues occasionally result in wet floors that can increase slip and fall issues of facility users. The manufacturer, Amar, assured city leaders the product provided would meet the ANSI A326.3 test method for measuring the wet dynamic coefficient of friction (DCOF) of Hard Surface Walkways. This test requires the product provided meets a mean dynamic coefficient of friction measurement equal to or greater than 0.42 under prescribed wet testing conditions with a maximum variance of 2%.The city moved forward with purchasing and installing the tile. They ordered five percent extra tile, delivered and stored at each location. Because they were concerned with safety, the city required testing the wet coefficient of friction of two tiles for each of the nine 2,000-square-foot centers and three tiles for each of the nine 3,000-square-foot centers. The manufacturer provided these 45 test results indicating they passed the test within a confidence level of 98%. However, slip-and-fall accidents in these community centers have increased since the new porcelain flooring installation. The city accused the manufacturer of falsifying the test results and of providing tile that did not meet the required standard. The manufacturer claims their product did meet the test standards, suggesting that the installers’ application of unapproved sealers or maintenance staff using incorrect cleaning materials post-installation likely caused the problem. This resulted in the city suing Amar Porcelain. They want the manufacturer to pay for the following:new porcelain tile,
ANSI A326.3 testing of new porcelain product completed in the same way by an independent testing center of the appointed by the court.
removal of initial tile installed.
installation of new tile after testing indicates it meets the standard.
The judge overseeing the case had an independent investigation company, Floor Testing Inc., measure the wet dynamic coefficient of friction of the same number and distribution of tiles as in the original testing. Tiles were selected to assure no postproduction treatments. You have been hired as an independent expert witness to review the new testing results and assess if the manufacturer’s porcelain tile likely met or failed to meet the required standard. Your contract is for services as an ordinary fact witness. You will need to conduct your own analysis of these data, and report your results (to a 98% confidence level) in a memorandum to the judge, who will provide it to the jury hearing the case.You will provide your findings in a memorandum addressed to the judge, Tanishi Walia, and copied to the Clerk of the Court, Dante Tafler, defense attorney Marco Soldati, and plaintiffs’ attorney Amina Hadad.Data File xlsx Compose Content
Element 1: Complete the Statistical Calculation Review and evaluate the problem presented – Using the tools learned in IDL 3 evaluate the problem: what you know, the significance of what you know to the problem, and what information you have that can be used in a statistical problem. Determine the appropriate hypothesis test to use, given what input you have, the problem, and the statistical tools you have learned. Additionally, determine the appropriate use of the null and alternative hypotheses for the problem. If it helps you can sketch a diagram of the problem. Complete the calculation – Complete the statistical analysis of the problem. Be clear that you understand all of the processes you have completed to get your answer, you will have to document it. Element 2: Develop Your Document Develop your document for the assigned audience and purpose – As you will have templates to use with many professional documents you will create, this assignment has a template that you must use – IDL 3 Final Memorandum Template. The final memorandum must maintain the format appearance and content. See the Example for a visual guide. A downloadable file of the IDL 3 Final Document Content & Structure below can be used as a guide or checklist. Memorandum Headers To and CC lines – The ‘To” and “CC” lines content are provided on the template
From – Use your full name, your title/role in this assignment.
Date – formatted as shown in the example.
Re – The reference line needs a short title to identify the specific purpose of the document. As this is a document involved in a legal case, it must start with the case, which includes who is bringing it v. who the case is against (e.g., Brown v. Board of Education), then a brief description of the specific contribution of the document to the case.
Introduction Why this document is important for the readers’ goals – Start with a statement of the larger objective with which everyone reading the memorandum can agree. Describe the big-picture objective that motivates the purpose of this document. After writing this statement, you need a sentence or two to connect that idea to the thesis.
Thesis/Purpose – A clear statement of the memorandum’s main idea and the outcome sought from the readers. Include this in bold font.
Finding – A statement of the finding must be included in the introduction. It may be part of the thesis or a stand-alone sentence.
Preview – The preview identifies what the document’s body will discuss to support the thesis. This element succinctly names the body elements, often aligning with section titles. Always present this information in the same order as the body elements.
Body Element – ContextTopic introduction – This introduction connects this section’s topic to the thesis. Then, identify what you will present on that topic in the order you will communicate it.
Describe elements – Develop ideas that emerge from the topic introduction and logically move from one idea to the next. In this section, you will describe the case and what led to it being brought.
Finish – End with a concluding statement summarizing what you documented.
Body Element – FactsTopic introduction – This introduction connects this section’s topic to the thesis. Then, identify what you will present on that topic in the order you will communicate it.
Describe elements – Develop ideas that emerge from the topic introduction and logically move from one idea to the next. In this section, you will present the data that you have and its relevance.
Finish – state how the data will enable you to provide input into the case.
Body Element – Discussion of Statistical LogicTopic introduction – This introduction connects this section’s topic to the thesis. Then, identify what you will present on that topic in the order you will communicate it.
Describe elements – Develop ideas that emerge from the topic introduction and logically move from one idea to the next. In this section, you will describe what your statistical process will accomplish. You will NOT walk through the math steps.
Finish – end with a concluding statement summarizing what you found with your calculations.
Conclusion Review – The review describes what the document’s body discussed in support of the thesis. This statement succinctly names the body elements, often aligning with section titles. Always present it in the same order as the body elements.
Thesis/Purpose – A clear statement of what the document is about and what you want the readers to do/know/believe after reading it. This thesis statement must be in different words than the introduction’s thesis but have the same meaning. Present your thesis in bold font.
Finding – A statement of the finding must be included in the conclusion. It may be part of the thesis or a stand-alone sentence.
Why this document will support the readers’ goals – Conclude professional documents reminding readers of the larger objective the thesis will help meet. This concluding statement needs to be one with which everyone reading the memorandum can agree. It is the big-picture objective that spurs the purpose of this document.
Appendix In this section, you will present the mathematical steps – typewritten in mathematical formulas easily read.Statistical parameters – Identify the statistical parameters you calculate from the data to complete your analysis.
Hypothesis Test Layout – Show the hypotheses for this analysis using correct mathematical notation.
Statistical Formulas & The Formulas with the numbers for this problem. This section must include a brief description of why you used the hypothesis test you did for the calculations. Include each step in your calculations.
Outcome – State the numerical findings, what they mean to the hypothesis test, and what they suggest about the porcelain tile the manufacturer provided for the City community centers.
3. Review and Revise Your Document After completing your document draft, review, revise and edit your document. We will be looking at: Content – Did you include all of the required elements, meeting the specific requirements?
Coherence – Does your document flow so that a reader can follow what you have written as one cohesive document? To check for this, read your document out loud to yourself. Ask yourself as you go if the message is continuous, with one idea leading to the next.
Clarity – have you stated specifically what you mean throughout your document? To check for this, look for hedging, slang, idioms, and vague words and remove them or replace them with more precise terms. Sentence structure, spelling and punctuation play a role in this, so while we will not be grading you on these directly if they negatively impact the understanding of your document, you will lose points.
Concise Wording – eliminate meaningless words or phrases, redundant qualifiers, repetitive ideas.
Revise your work as needed. Even professional writers revise their work to make it better. If you feel you need extra support with your writing please take advantage of one of the following resources: Review professional and general writing resources
Attend open help sessions, see the meet your instructors page for times and connection information.
Make an appointment with the USF Writing Studio, you will need to plan ahead
Make an appointment with me during office hours through the MS Bookings link on the meet your instructor page.
4. Proofread your Document; Correct Grammar, Punctuation, Sentence Structure, or Spelling Errors There are a number of grammar-checking software programs available to assist you in completing this. While they are not foolproof, they are helpful in suggesting errors you may have made in your document. As these tools are readily available, there is little excuse for writing that has basic proofreading errors. Assignment Deliverable, Due Date, Questions, and Submittal
Deliverable: Use the IDL 3 Final Memorandum Template or your assignment, following the example provided. Download e provided.Download exampleDocument Length: Well done documents are generally 3 – 4 pages; 1.5 – 2.5 pages for the main part of the memorandum and 3/4 – 1 page for the appendix. Documents shorter than this are likely not well done. AI Use: You are expected to use AI to check the grammar, punctuation and spelling on this work and for no other purposes. No quotations and no plagiarism – Quotations are rarely used in professional engineering and computer science writing; do not get in the habit of doing this. Ethically completed work must have at its core your own thinking built upon credible knowledge of experts that proceeded you. Also unacceptable is: Using the words of others without quotation marks and in-text citations
Using the words of others, but reorganizing the sentence structure (This is a form of plagiarism called inappropriate paraphrasing.)
Using the words of others, but changing a few words in each sentence (This is a form of plagiarism called inappropriate paraphrasing.)