20 points possible 5 points: Correct heading in the format below 5 points: C

20 points possible
5 points: Correct heading in the format below
5 points: C

20 points possible
5 points: Correct heading in the format below
5 points: Correct font, spacing and margins; spelling/grammar
5 points: At least 1/2 page summary (just the facts) of the experience focused on health, safety, fitness and/or nutrition of children and families
5 points: At least 1/2 page reflection (your thoughts, what you learned) of the experience focused on health, safety, fitness and/or nutrition of children and families 
From the Field Experience Handbook:
Format for Heading on Summary/Reflection pages (this takes up no more than two lines) 
Your Name -Julia Johnson                        Date of event or observation 04-12-2024
School/Grade/Teacher – Western Hills Primary School/Pre-K           Time in and out 8am-1pm
Please use 11 font, 1.5 spacing and 1 inch margins.  The summary and reflections are expected be 1-2 pages.  Points will be taken off for incomplete summaries and reflections, spelling and grammar errors and incorrect format and/or headings