Create a Data Improvement Plan, for your organization. The purpose of this assig

Create a Data Improvement Plan, for your organization. The purpose of this assig

Create a Data Improvement Plan, for your organization. The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your competency in discussing key elements that are essential for putting together a solid data improvement plan.c
Drawing from the activities of the past 6 weeks, use the outline below to develop your plan:
Introduction section (no more than 2 pages):
Highlights the benefits of data for a healthcare organization.
Addresses the data related pain points in your organization (data breach, privacy issues, etc.).
Identifies the purpose statement.
Data Privacy and Security Plan (no more than 2 pages): Addresses how your organization is handling:
HIPAA Regulations
Privacy Rule
Security Rule
Administrative Safeguards
Physical Safeguards
Data Use Agreement
Needs Assessment section that addresses:
The approach you are taking to learn more about your organization’s data needs
The stakeholders you reached out to
Identify key types of healthcare data you will be collecting and your rationale for doing so (no more 3 pages), including:
Incorporate the table you developed in Week 5 into your plan
Data use (no more than 2 pages)
Data use agreement
Breach notification and Research