Write a 5 to 7 page, double spaced paper in 12-point font with one-inch margins

Write a 5 to 7 page, double spaced paper in 12-point font with one-inch margins

Write a 5 to 7 page, double spaced paper in 12-point font with one-inch margins and no white-space padding. The paper will be presented in MLA format, in-text citation, with a title page and a works-cited page. Those pages do not count toward the required total. You will write one coherent essay, discussing why your chosen work does or does not fit well into the popular art movement of its era, but the various paragraphs moving your thesis forward will explain the following things about this work:
How does it react toward similar work of the prior artistic era – how is it different (or the same?)
How does this work react toward major ideas or power structures of it’s own time?
Keeping in mind your answers to the prior two questions, what values does the artist seem to promote?
How do the values of the artist conform or fail to conform to the dominant artistic movement of the work’s time? What makes this a work of the Renaissance, Mannerist or Baroque era?
While you will strive to answer the above questions, they must not seem to be disconnected “answers to questions” but rather parts of a whole and connected evaluation of the artwork.
Please Follow the instructions and follow the sheet plan below. Don’t use AI.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask me.
Thank you

Posted in Art