Length and Format: 5-7 pages in length, 12 point font in Times New Roman, double

Length and Format: 5-7 pages in length, 12 point font in Times New Roman, double

Length and Format: 5-7 pages in length, 12 point font in Times New Roman, double-spaced with 1-inch margins, plus reference list.
Topic: Saint Peter’s Basilica
1. You will need to organize your project clearly, most likely using some headings in the text, as well as clearly signposting what you are doing and what fields you are using. Be sure to open with an introductory paragraph or two, followed by the body of the paper, and ending with a conclusion.
2. Be sure to apply some specific course concepts and themes in your project, with citations from course readings and resources. Choose and apply those themes and concepts that are most relevant to your topic, such as Cresswell’s place vs space, or location, locale and sense of space; Manzo’s psychological interpretation of “place experience”; Basso’s concept of “dwelling” (from Heidegger); Campo’s 3 types of pilgrimage sites; the theme of contested place, boundary- crossing, transnational space or sacred place, etc. Some of you may want to use boundary-crossing, transnationalism, and globalization from this module as one concept or
theme for the project. I will want you to actually apply the themes and concepts to your place, not just mention them.
3. Besides integrating some course themes, concepts and course resources, I also will look for you to include research on your topic from some web or text sources, with citations and a list of References. So, your Essay will include both some course resources and some outside sources, such as credible online sources, newspaper articles, journal articles, databases and books; any interviews will be cited in-text.
4. In using Social Science perspectives, I will look for you to reference particular disciplines such as Sociology, Anthropology, Archaeology, Political Science, Economics, Business, Human Geography or Psychology–as we have done in our class. Using 2 to 3 Social Sciences disciplines is sufficient.
5. The same goes for Humanities perspectives: please be explicit about what disciplines you are using: Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Art or Art History, History, Religion, Literature, Music, etc. Using 2 to 3 Humanities disciplines is sufficient.
6. I will be looking for use of a variety of modes of inquiry, expression, and types of sources in your projects: so, not just textual research or a memoir of your own experience alone, but combine (for example) a work of art, a poem, photos of art or architecture, textual research, a mini-memoir, literature, music, etc.There are lots of options.
7. Be sure to consider both what the place means to you and what it means to others.
8. If you are using a museum or historical site, look at what it means to people now, as well as what it meant in the past.
9. If you use images, please put them at the end of the paper, before the References. Besides photos or other materials, you should still have at least 5 full pages of text in the project, not counting the title page or references.
10. All quotes must be in quotation marks, with the author and page number in parentheses (for APA also the year); quotes should not make up more than 20% of any project. Please be careful to write in your own words and clearly mark any quotes, paraphrases, or summaries from other sources. There is zero tolerance for plagiarism in this course.
Thoughtful choice of place and evaluation of its meanings to you and to others within the context of our course
Application and synthesis of both social sciences and humanities perspectives
Application and synthesis of both social sciences and humanities modes of inquiry and expression
Integration and application of a few relevant course themes, concepts, and readings/resources, with citations
Evidence from research, using a variety of sources, with in-text citations, a References or Works Cited list, and careful use of MLA or APA form
A well-written, well-organized Project that has been thoroughly edited and proofread