ituation Financial institutions hold assets equal to approximately $70 trillion.

Financial institutions hold assets equal to approximately $70 trillion.

Financial institutions hold assets equal to approximately $70 trillion. Among depository institutions, commercial banks hold the most assets, with nearly $17 trillion in aggregate. Among non-depository institutions, mutual funds hold the largest amount of assets, with approximately $18 trillion in aggregate.
Elaborate on the following crucial topics that represent a keystone for Financial Institutions:
Summarize the main sources and uses of funds for each type of financial institution.
Domestic consolidation of financial institutions (mergers and acquisitions to achieve economies of scale). Explain and give examples.
Global consolidation of financial institutions (mergers and acquisitions to achieve economies of scale). Explain and give examples.
Systemic risk among financial institutions. Explain and give examples.
Explain the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy from financial conglomerates to offer advantages to customers who prefer to obtain all of their financial services from a single financial institution.
For library research purposes, please see the instructions.
APA style (student paper) is mandatory:
Library research: please use authoritative sources only (not older than 2019). In addition to other authoritative sources that you might use, please include at least four (4) LIRN sources
Order of pages: title page, abstract, table of content, text, conclusion, references, tables, and figures
Word format
Total pages: 10 – 12 pages length document (it includes all order of pages)