For this assignment, imagine that you are a respiratory therapist who has just b

For this assignment, imagine that you are a respiratory therapist who has just b

For this assignment, imagine that you are a respiratory therapist who has just been elected to a statewide office in the Florida Association of Respiratory Therapists (FART). Your first task as an officer is to survey respiratory therapists in the state to determine how FART could better serve or represent them. It seems that membership in FART has been on the decline for 5 years in a row. The hope is that this research will help you and other officers learn how to turn that trend around.
Using the information from this module (e.g., the video and readings) you are to craft 10 questions and create a Survey Monkey tool to gather info related to the problem mentioned in the first paragraph using to an external site.Links to an external site. (create a free account and build your survey). Your hypothesis might be something like: “Improved services and representation from FART will lead to a gradual increase in membership over the next 2 years”. You will provide the link to the survey you create in this assignment. You will need to include the following:
• Title of the survey
• Summary of what the survey should accomplish
• The URL (hyperlink) to the 10 question survey you created.
See the rubric for guidance on how to best formulate your questions and design the survey.