The evolution of the patient record, from paper based to electronic systems, had

The evolution of the patient record, from paper based to electronic systems, had

The evolution of the patient record, from paper based to electronic systems, had great impacts on health care organizations, changing not only how data was collected, shared, stored, and retrieved, but also in the role of those responsible for managing this data. This assignment reinforces concepts learned regarding the strengths and weaknesses of both systems.
Your responses should be thorough, well-conceived college-level responses that are grammatically correct. When you answer these questions, justify your responses with facts and details from the readings, and with your conclusions. Please write your answers in complete sentences.
The implementation of EHR in the hospital setting created the need for revision of job descriptions in the medical record department. Select one role within the medical records department and discuss the following areas, which were a direct result of this evolution:
Select one job title from the medical records department which has undergone changes after the implementation of EHR’s
Describe the job duties under the paper based system (ex: data collection, sharing, storage, and retrieval)
Discuss the changes made to these duties after the implementation of EHR’s
Compare and contrast the process of locating and retrieving missing patent information data when using paper based vs. electronic systems. Explain issues present with paper-based processes, which have been minimized using the electronic based system.
Analyze two additional ways the evolution of medical record systems has improved healthcare processes and quality from the major stakeholder perspectives (ex: organization, provider, patient). Be sure to explain the positive impact of these improvements.
Assignment Requirements
You will be graded on the accuracy and thoroughness of your responses.
Once you have answered each prompt, save your answers in a Word document and submit below.
Justify rationale using credible references, include in text citations
APA format
Provide a list of credible references used
Here is one link to be used for this assignment.