Answer the following questions in a paragraph. Part 1 1. Provide a working def

Answer the following questions in a paragraph.
Part 1
1. Provide a working def

Answer the following questions in a paragraph.
Part 1
1. Provide a working definition of values. Utilize two sources.
2. Identify and discuss two social work and/or human services values.
3. Identify and discuss two personal values.
4. How do your personal values influence your practice? Be specific.
Part 2
1. Based on your independent research, provide a working definition of “power.”
2. Identify and discuss 3 different types of power.
3. What type of power do you possess in your professional or personal life? Explain
4. What type of power is in evidence in Black Power chapter 1? Explain
5. Identify and discuss one value that is visible in chapter 1. Explain
Part 3
, Identify and discuss two concepts highlighted by the authors that you endorse and would use as a “change agent” in your organization. You must define the concepts and cite your source (s),
2. Identify and discuss two concepts highlighted by the authors you do not endorse and would avoid as a “change agent” in your organization. You must define the concepts and cite your sources,
3. What value is visible in the chapter? Explain.
Part 4
1. What is a myth?
2. The authors discuss a number of coalition building myths. Discuss three of them.
3. Do you agree/disagree with the author’s point of view?
4. Based on your belief system, would you pursue coalition building as a strategy in your role of change agent? Why/Why Not.
5. Discuss two values embedded in the coalition building concept,
Part 5
1. What was the catalyst for change according to the local black populace?
2. Discuss two strategies that were used to accomplish the goal.
3. Identify two values embedded in each strategy.
4. What was the catalyst for change regarding your change project?
5. As a change agent, which strategy (discussed above) would you rely on? Why?
Part 6
Read chapter 7.
1. What is your overall reaction to chapter 7?
2. Identify and explore one value that permeates chapter 7.
3. Did this chapter provide you w/information that will have utility in your professional role? Explain.
Part 7
1. In your view, what is the reason (s) I made “Black Power” required reading.:
2. Connecting the dots, what relevance does it have vis-a-vis your role of change agent?