You are required to investigate the epidemiology of Smoking tobacco and provide

You are required to investigate the epidemiology of Smoking tobacco and provide

You are required to investigate the epidemiology of Smoking tobacco and provide implications for policy, practice and future research. Write case report about smoking tobacco among adult in United Kingdom. The report is 1500 words (excluding the reference from the count).
Learning Outcomes to be assessed: – Demonstrate knowledge and skills in the principles, concept and theories of epidemiology
– Demonstrate understanding of key epidemiological methods, measures and indicatorssuch as prevalence, incidence, odds and risk ratios, attributable risks and epidemiologicalresearch method
– Analyse and evaluate epidemiological data and use them to inform public health practice
– Apply quantitative health measures in a selective and considered way
The case report must include the following components: Introduction:
Describe the problem and context of the chosen behaviour to show why it is a problem and
deserves to be studied. At the end of this section state the objective/s of your paper. You may wish to focus on a specific geographical focus (e.g in UK, Ghana, across Africa) or aglobal focus
You may wish to focus on a specific demographic focus (e.g children, older adults, pregnant women, racially minoritised groups)
Prevalence and determinants of the behaviour:
Analyse the scale and burden of the behaviour e.g. by reporting and analysing prevalence and other measures of occurrence in the chosen context. This may include distribution by person place and time if applicable such as prevalence in different age groups, communities, times etc.
Analyse determinants of the behaviour by reporting and analysing odds ratios and/or risk ratios for association between the risk factors and the behaviour.
Effect of the behaviour on health:
Analyse the effect of the behaviour on health e.g. by reporting odds ratios and/or risk ratios for association between the behaviour and the health outcomes (morbidity, mortality).
Show your understanding of epidemiological study designs (case-control studies, cohort studies
systematic reviews and meta-analyses etc.) and their strengths and weaknesses.
Include in-text references to support all of your claims. (intext citation and Harvard reference style)
Control and prevention/promotion:
Discuss some control/prevention interventions/programs that have been tried to address the
behaviour in your chosen context or if not available, in a similar context elsewhere, and how
effective they have been.
Conclusion and recommendations:
What policy, practice or research recommendations could you make to address the issues identified? Justify your recommendations based on your analysis and support with empirical evidence.
Maximum of 25 references using Harvard referencing
Should mostly contain peer-reviewed journal articles
Case Report Guidance:
Write ONE 1,500 word case report (not to exceede 1500 words, preferply 1300 to 1400)
Assignments to be double spaced, well presented and clearly referenced
Assignment to be accurately referenced using the Harvard reference system, with up to 25