I’m preparing for an English exam in which we have this essay question. Can you

I’m preparing for an English exam in which we have this essay question. Can you

I’m preparing for an English exam in which we have this essay question. Can you help me prepare an intriguing outline so that I can write a good essay? All I need is your time and knowledge to help me get prepared with a strong outline.
Provide a thorough discussion and analysis of the given question. Provide a short and three-word interesting title. Develop a clear, focused thesis statement to define your argument. Develop three paragraphs with each of them having proper topic sentences and supporting examples (add quotes from the novel to support your topic sentences).
Discuss how Ishiguro used Darlington and Faraday to highlight postcolonial theory the question is:
Discuss the contrast between Darlington and Faraday in the Remains of the Day. How do the characters function symbolically? How does Ishiguro use them to advance a theme in the novel?