Your report should address the following: Include the corrected visualization (

Your report should address the following:
Include the corrected visualization (

Your report should address the following:
Include the corrected visualization (based on instructor feedback).
What was significant about the data?
What hypothesis can you make about the data set?
What could be added to the data to increase its usefulness?
Were there any anomalies?
Instructor feedback (there are areas where your visualizations could be improved to better convey information effectively. While you outlined the use of various visualization types, such as pie charts, donut charts, and tables, it’s important to consider the appropriateness of each chart type for the specific data being presented. For instance, using bar charts, horizontal bar charts, or line charts would be more suitable for comparing values across categories, especially for displaying the number of games available on each platform and identifying the platform, genre, and game with the highest critic and user scores. Additionally, addressing the missing data and its potential impact on the accuracy of system scores demonstrates awareness of data integrity, but it’s essential to ensure that the visualizations accurately reflect the available data. By refining your choice of visualization types and ensuring data accuracy, you can enhance the effectiveness of your visualizations in conveying insights to stakeholders. )
I tried to improve the visualization but how i can make them better