IRIS Center Website – TransitionLinks to an external site. https://iris.peabody.

IRIS Center Website – TransitionLinks to an external site.

IRIS Center Website – TransitionLinks to an external site. 
IRIS Internet Activity
1. Go to the IRIS website
2. Click on the button, for the corresponding title under IRIS Resource Topics
3. Select Modules
4. Click on the module link that is assigned.
5. Click on the icon for Challenge. Watch the video.
6. After completing the video, click on the icon to the right titled Initial Thoughts. Respond to the
7. After you have responded to the questions, click on the icon, Perspectives and
8. Read all content, view all media content, and take notes as you navigate through the
module. When you have finished the entire Initial Thoughts and Perspectives section of the
module, click on the icon to the right titled Assessment.
9. Respond to all questions in the Assessment section. All answers must be in complete
sentences with supportive details.
10. When you are finished with the Assessment icon, click on the icon titled Wrap Up. You need to answer once again the questions in the Wrap Up now that you have watched media content, read information, and reflected on your thoughts that you wrote down in Step #7. What are your thoughts now? The Wrap Up is about what are your thoughts related to the content after having gone through the module. 
11. Due: A completed response to the module:
a. Initial Thoughts: Your responses to the Initial Thoughts questions for the module. (Step #7)
b. Assessment: Your Assessment question responses. (Step #10)
c.  Wrap Up: Your reflections and additional comments about the Wrap Up questions. (Step #11)
Assignment Rubric
Rubric Competencies
(a) IRIS Module on Transition included responses to Initial Thoughts, Assessment and Wrap Up questions and they accurately addressed the content in the module. 
3 points per question/ total 15