Respond to the original thread. It is important to understand that your reply is

Respond to the original thread. It is important to understand that your reply is

Respond to the original thread. It is important to understand that your reply is not a repeat of how you evaluated the food item. You are to evaluate how your classmate analyzed the food product against the prompt questions. Do you agree or disagree with your classmate’s conclusions? Did they miss any part of the assignment in their thread? Do you have any additional feedback to contribute, something your classmate may have misunderstood or overlooked? Is there something you found very interesting or helpful from this classmate’s thread? As needed, support your responses using the textbook. Your responses should be meaningful, critically interactive, and substantive (interact with at least 3 statements made in the thread). Although discussion of personal opinion or personal use of the food item is allowed, this type of discussion should be minimal and, ideally, only in response to something stated in the thread. Cite your textbook and any other sources in APA format.
the student
must then post 2 replies of at least 150-200 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of the assigned
Module: Week. For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least 1 scholarly
citation in APA format. Each reply must incorporate at least 1 scholarly citation(s) in APA
format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable
sources include the textbook, the Bible, websites, and peer-reviewed journals.
For the nutrition label that was provided for the QUAKER® INSTANT OATMEAL CUP APPLES & CINNAMON. The container would most appropriately be placed in the grain’s food grouping. The food does fit into many of the guidelines for Americans according to Appendix C. Mainly, guideline 2 which states “2. Customize and enjoy nutrient-dense food and beverage choices to reflect personal preferences, cultural traditions, and budgetary considerations.” The food also provides additional benefits, according to one study “whole grain oats and barley can support the growth and maintenance of gut microorganisms” (Tosh, 2020). Although this food may not be the most nutrient-dense choice on the market, it may be a better option than an alternative sugar-coated cereal. Where it may not match up is for guideline number 4, which does talk about limiting foods high in added sugar. The label includes 11g of total sugars 8g of which is added sugar. This is labeled as 16% of Daily Value for a 2,000-calorie diet. This alone is not incredibly alarming, but it is something to consider if you eat more than one package or other sugar sweetened foods in the day. The food does fit under the “Good Source” descriiptor for fiber as it provides 13% per serving to one’s daily diet. In terms of nutrient density, I would personally rate this food as being Moderately nutrient dense. To promote and improve overall nourishment I would pair this food item with an egg. This would add to the nutrition and give a source of protein that this food item does not give. Fruit such as strawberries or blue berries would also be a nice addition for a more balanced meal. Overall, this food item would be a good choice, though straight oatmeal would avoid the additional sugars you get from this food it is still relatively healthy.
Tosh, Susan M, and Nicolas Bordenave. “Emerging Science on Benefits of Whole Grain Oat and Barley and Their Soluble Dietary Fibers for Heart Health, Glycemic Response, and Gut Microbiota.” OUP Academic, Oxford University Press, 30 July 2020,
Good afternoon everyone. The food macaroni and cheese falls under grains since the main ingredient is pasta. The pasta in the macaroni and cheese is made up of enriched macaroni product which includes wheat flour, niacin, ferrous sulfate, thiamine mononitrate, riboflavin, and folic acid. Also, macaroni and cheese have a high sugar content. The sugar content is high because there is an added 10g of sugar. This goes over the 10 percent of calories for per day from added sugars. Added sugars contribute zero nutrients but many added calories that can lead to extra pounds or even obesity. (Added Sugars, 2023) Also, there should be more evaluation on what added sugar is in the macaroni. With more details into which sugars were added, we could understand if they are needed. Also, it is low in cholesterol, with a value of zero percent. Macaroni and cheese is low in protein, with only three grams. It would also be considered healthy if it had more vitamins in it. It is lacking vitamins A and C. When wanting to make macaroni and cheese more nutrient-dense, you could add a lean protein to it such as chicken or fish would make the macaroni and cheese denser with nutrients. Also, adding in a vegetable would help bring it to a more balanced meal. Macaroni and cheese is high in sodium from the cheese. Adding protein will make it a more balanced meal and help contribute to healthier daily food choices. In summary, while macaroni and cheese is a delicious and satisfying dish, it’s essential to be mindful of its nutritional components. Choosing whole-grain pasta, checking for added sugars, moderating saturated fat intake, and incorporating protein-rich additions can contribute to a more balanced and nutritious macaroni and cheese experience.
Added sugars. (2023, May 10).