This assignment aims to demonstrate the application of the primary flight displa

This assignment aims to demonstrate the application of the primary flight displa

This assignment aims to demonstrate the application of the primary flight display and the multi-
function display of the Garmin G1000 by combining the components of the Garmin G1000’s
display in practical applications.
Task: Familiarize yourself with the user manuals (Integrated Flight Deck Pilot’s Guide and the
Integrated Flight Deck Cockpit Reference Guide) of the Garmin G1000. For this task, you will
create a study guide, including screenshots or diagrams of each component of the primary flight
display and the multi-function display and each component is labeled for easy recognition. You
must include, state, and describe each part’s practical usage and functionality. The expectation is
that when you are done, your study guide is so thorough that your peer could study it and ace an
A great example of a practical and thorough study guide is seen in the watch idea of Module 1
titled “Garmin G1000 Introduction.” Be sure to watch this video before getting started. This is an
open-ended project. You can create a digital study guide using Mural or you can create an
infographic utilizing Canva. You could even make a study guide using Microsoft or an Adobe
product. You could even make a study guide utilizing a combination of PowerPoint and a
correlating video using Loom (very similar to the watch item in Module 1). There are links for
these websites in the G1000 Study Guide Creation Project Resources section in the assignment
descriiption. Again, this is an open-ended project.