From the PDF identify at least 3 barriers to physical activity and/or healthy di

From the PDF identify at least 3 barriers to physical activity and/or healthy di

From the PDF identify at least 3 barriers to physical activity and/or healthy dietary choices. List the barriers and provide examples of a modification plan to overcome these barriers. Choose ONE of the plans and develop into a personalized SMART goal.
Barrier #1: Lack of Time: I often find myself saying that I would work out if I had time, but it always seems like there’s something else I need to be doing that takes my time away from working out. Plan: create a weekly schedule that allows time to work out and then stick to the schedule.
Barrier #2: Lack of energy: I will usually feel tired in the morning or evening when I would want to be working out. Plan: go to bed earlier and wake up earlier, drink coffee if I still have no energy in the morning.
Barrier #3: Lack of convenience for healthy food: Much of the food on or around campus is fast food and is not very healthy, but it is convenient. Plan: make a trip to the grocery store once a week and stock up on items that I can use to make healthier meals.
S.M.A.R.T. goal for Barrier #1:
S (Specific): I will use scheduling software (i.e. google calendar or other), to find time in my schedule to add workouts. I will find at least three days to work out per week. M (Measurable): I will work out three times a week for at least 60 minutes each time. A (Attainable): I am a student so I have access to the ARC. I also have workout attire and know how to use scheduling software to manage my time. R (Relevant): Because I would like to improve my health, exercising three times a week will help me to do so. T (Time Bound): I will continue this goal until the end of the semester and assess whether I can modify the goal to add more workouts or not.