Create 2 Simple web / screen scraper programs (preferably using 2 different webs

Create 2 Simple web / screen scraper programs (preferably using 2 different webs

Create 2 Simple web / screen scraper programs (preferably using 2 different websites or try to extract 2 different pieces of information from 1 website). Be sure to submit your files as python files (.py) AND include Screenshots showing that they run (showing your sample output) Your programs need to display some meaningful information to receive full points (for example, just displaying an entire website or just displaying random symbols / tags / parts or words will result in loss of points) You can download a copy on your system by going to only have python version 3 installed, so if you find any notes or tips online, make sure you are using that version. I would suggest using version 3 if you download (any version of 3 should work fine).
Be sure to use the Python – GUI IDLE program to use the interactive window. You can create a python script by using file–> new script… and to run, use run -> run module. Several resources are posted in the week 3 folder, but feel free to use other sources if it’s helpful. If you end up following a particular tutorial, be sure to cite the source and modify it a bit to make it your own program. Feel free to search YouTube or other places online. You are free to use additional libraries if you are comfortable installing them (or use my example that is library free).
Alternatively, there are also online Python IDEs like that do not require installation and will automatically install libraries if you are having a hard time with your system.
For this week:
Create 2 Simple Web / Screen Scraper programs (preferably using 2 different websites or try to extract 2 different pieces of information from 1 website) due You can submit your (.py) files in the “Labs and Project” Tab. I am allowing a bit more time for this assignment, but it’s better to start early as issues may come up, and it will start to overlap with next week’s assignment. Also submit screenshots of your script’s output to show what it is doing.
There are other simple examples online you can search for if you don’t like the one posted. Many are using other libraries that you may need to install and setup. You can try to extract information from websites like or simple news sites. My attached script is not using any libraries for simplicity, but it’s not efficient. You might want to use that sample file as an example.