Read the Crocker (2003) article on test fairness. In your post, please include t

Read the Crocker (2003) article on test fairness. In your post, please include t

Read the Crocker (2003) article on test fairness. In your post, please include the following:
Define test fairness in your own words. Think of an example of an assessment that you have taken, given, or used on the job. What is one example of a study you might design to investigate the fairness of this test? What groups of examinees are you comparing and what is the possible bias effect you are trying to allay? Provide at least one verse of Biblical evidence that supports the study of test fairness.
On page 9, Crocker (2003) discuss consequential validity which refers to the myriad effects of giving or requiring a test. Do you think that consequential validity is a worthwhile endeavor? Does it matter what the context is (e.g., psychological vs. educational) or does it not matter? Use a peer-reviewed source or your textbook to support your response.
For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least one (1)
scholarly and at least one (1) scriiptural citation in current APA format. Acceptable sources
include: The Bible, the textbook, and other peer-reviewed articles and/or books.