You are an environmental consultant hired by a gas company to conduct an environ

You are an environmental consultant hired by a gas company to conduct an environ

You are an environmental consultant hired by a gas company to conduct an environmental site assessment of a shale gas
well. You will investigate the environmental context in which the well is situated, analyze the risk factors inherent in the
site, propose BMPs that could prevent environmental problems, and propose a plan for reclamation with metrics for
success. Your audience is the gas company and state regulatory agency that will consider your recommendations.
I. Acquire data.
We have selected well site named “To be provided Monday”. Our purpose is not to condemn a particular well or gas
company, but rather to use this well pad as a real-world example for your training.
Your report should include maps that allow you to analyze roughly a 1-mile radius around your well pad. This radius was
selected because it enables you to see the broader impacts of the well pad development.
The MINIMUM dataset to include in your report is:
A time series images: Google Earth or PA Oil and Gas Mapping
A soils map: Web Soil Survey – Home (
Water resources map: Wetlands Mapper (
A PA Natural Diversity Inventory (PNDI) report: Home | PA Conservation Explorer
A USGS topo map of the site: PA Oil and Gas Mapping
A summary of violations and inspection reports for the site: PA Shale Viewer
The waste disposal site: PA Oil and Gas Mapping
II. Report requirements.
Your report will include the following sections, but I am not prescribing the length of each section. The final report
should be 5 to7 pages single spaced excluding figures, tables, and citations. Excellent papers are often 5 pages long, and
it is rarely necessary to extend beyond 6 pages. You can use the outline here as an outline for your report, but if you
prefer a different organization, ensure your new outline is clear with all headings and subheadings.