Instructions Deliverable: A two-page maximum memo that addresses the study quest

Deliverable: A two-page maximum memo that addresses the study quest

Deliverable: A two-page maximum memo that addresses the study questions. The two-page limit is for text only. You may attach numerical calculations or other appendices as you wish (such as Excel files). Write the memo as if you were writing a recommendation to the major decision-maker in the case. You should start by stating your recommendation briefly and concisely and then articulate how and why you reached that conclusion. Use the following formatting: Arial, font size 11.5, double-spaced, 1-inch page margins.
Study Questions: To guide the case preparation, study questions are assigned to this case study. The study questions should help you think through the case, but the write-up report should not consist of disjoint answers to those questions. You should aim for clarity, strong organization, concision, professionalism, and correct grammar. Sources should always be correctly attributed.
Study Questions:
Evaluate this opportunity from the perspective of a PE investor. Where would you place this deal on the PE-VC spectrum (investment stage)? What tools should you use to analyze it?
Compare the ZenCap and Blackgem’s term sheets offers
Describe the advantages each bring to Surya
Describe their approaches in terms of deal sourcing
Compare the contractual features in the term sheets. Why do you think these contractual features are on the ZenCap term sheet but not in Blackgems and vice versa?
3. Which PE firm should Sharma choose? Why?
Use of Chat-GPT disclosure: If you are using a generative AI tool, at the end of your write-up (appendix), explain in a few sentences how you are using it. How is this tool helpful to you with your write-up?