Construct relations in first, second, and third normal form. Part 1: Perform a B

Construct relations in first, second, and third normal form.
Part 1: Perform a B

Construct relations in first, second, and third normal form.
Part 1: Perform a Bottom-up Database Design
Find a form on the Web and follow the bottom-up database design approach. Please include the website URL and an image of this form.
Find all the attributes on the form.
Establish the dependencies (determinants).
Group attributes that have a common determinant into an entity type; name it.
Find directly-related entity type pairs.
Determine the connectivity for each pair.
Complete the ERD in
Review the ERD and update it to be in 3NF if ERD from step 6 is not in 3NF.
Part 2: Begin Designing a Database
A Database Design Sample document attached shows a reference sample of the database design required in Unit 7, Part 2.
Your database should have a minimum of 5 tables. If you are having difficulty meeting the minimum requirement of 5 tables, let the instructor know by email. The instructor can suggest an increase in database scope/purpose if necessary.
Please keep your database design simple. Have no more than 10 tables including associative entities (5-7 entities/tables is ideal). If you must, narrow the scope of your database design in order to meet this requirement.
Part 2 Requirements
You will design an ERD in Questions and problems from Chapters 3, 4, 5, and 6 can be used as the concept for the database you create for this project. In this unit, you will start by defining the purpose of the database and the information the database is to provide. You will list entities, write the business rules for each relationship between entities, and create an ERD in
Part 2, Section 1: Database Definition
State the purpose of the database.
Define the requirements of the database. Describe who the users are and how the database will be used.
Part 2, Section 2: Database Design
This section of the Assignment must include at least five entities and should have no more than 10 entities (5-7 entities is ideal). Note, your entities will become tables in an implemented relational database.
List the entities of your database.
Present the business rules that determine connectivity using the format requested from the Unit 2 Assignment. Do not give rules for links to associative entities; simply give the M:N relationship rules and the name of the associative entity you will use for that relationship. Example: Apartment – Tenant. One apartment may currently be occupied by one or more tenants (many). One tenant may occupy many apartments (many). Apartment M:N Tenant; Associated Entity (AE): ApartmentTenant
Create the ERD in Be sure to include the informational label required.