See the attached for the assigment The sample document has no formatting. Your a

See the attached for the assigment
The sample document has no formatting. Your a

See the attached for the assigment
The sample document has no formatting. Your assignment is to complete the following tasks to demonstrate your competency in using Microsoft Word and work to accomplish each of the tasks in their respective document:
Create a title page
Change the heading styles to match APA 7. (Hint: to make an automatic TOC, you need to reformat the default heading styles “Heading 1″ etc.)
Format headings using styles
Insert an automatic table of contents (TOC)
Create an automatic table of figures. It should follow but be on a separate page from the TOC
Make sure all paragraphs have 0.5” indent in the most efficient way possible
Convert Figure 3 back to a table – which should be easy – literally, one step! In the section “Findings and Results,” make the seven questions area into two columns and turn the page into a landscape format (This is not APA formatting but we know ?)
Fix the reference page with hanging indents
The title page, table of contents, and table of figures should have page numbers centered in the footer, and the remaining pages should have page numbers in the header right-justified
Word Processing Skills-Formatting RubricCriteriaRatingsPts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat Document60 to >53.0 ptsACompleted 90% or more of the assigned tasks53 to >47.0 ptsBCompleted at least 80 but <90% of the assigned tasks47 to >41.0 ptsCCompleted <80% of the assigned tasks41 to >0.0 ptsDCompleted <70% of the assigned tasks0 ptsFDid not submit this section of the assignment OR did not shared the folder with instructor 60 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCollaboration40 to >35.0 ptsAShared Folder with instructor Enter at least two (2) comments to the other student Reply to both of the comments Mark one of the comments as “Resolved”35 to >31.0 ptsBShared Folder with instructor Missed one of the following criteria: Enter at least two (2) comments to the other student Reply to both of the comments Mark one of the comments as “Resolved”31 to >27.0 ptsCShared Folder with instructor Missed two of the following criteria: Enter at least two (2) comments to the other student Reply to both of the comments Mark one of the comments as “Resolved”27 to >0.0 ptsDShared Folder with instructor Missed three of the following criteria: Enter at least two (2) comments to the other student AND/OR Reply to both of the comments AND/OR Mark one of the comments as “Resolved”0 ptsFDid not submit this section of the assignment OR Did not shared folder with instructor
40 pts
Total Points: 10