One of the more contentious issues facing the state of Texas and the nation at-l

One of the more contentious issues facing the state of Texas and the nation at-l

One of the more contentious issues facing the state of Texas and the nation at-large has been voting rights, with several conservative leaning states having passed legislation which some claim is racist and targeted at preventing minority residents from voting, while it hers claim that the legislation merely codifies pre-existing legislation which was already in place, albeit in different laws, but which were relaxed in order to allow voter participation in the midst of the unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic and which were never meant to permanently alter the voting process. Republicans claim that it is all in the name of voting integrity that they have passed such laws, while Democrats have gone as far as claiming such legislation amounts to nothing more than Jim Crow in suit and tie. The issue of such legislation has led to fiery protests and speeches across the nation, including in Texas where state Democrats fled the state for weeks in order to attempt to prevent Republicans from passing voting rights legislation while lobbying for the US Congress to pass comprehensive national legislation aimed at thwarting state-level laws, though such federal attempts would certainly be challenged in court by Republicans and conservative states as federal overreach given that the US constitution provides for states to choose the timing and methods for administering elections (so long as doing so does not thwart or fly in the face of any federal laws on voting). Based upon the articles provided, as well as any others which you may choose to use, you are to analyze this issue and determine if Republican voting legislation is valid and legal, or if such laws violate the basic constitutional tenant of access to voting and amounts to nothing more than modern-day Jim Crow in suit.

Gov. Greg Abbott signs Texas voting bill into law, overcoming Democratic quorum breaks
SB 1 makes up Republicans’ third attempt to pass a far-reaching law that restricts how and when voters cast ballots. It takes particular aim at voting initiatives used in diverse, Democratic Harris County in the 2020 election.
Alexa Ura
The Texas Tribune

Most Texans support GOP elections bill despite months of Democratic outrage, poll finds
A new poll found that nearly 60 percent of Texans approve of new restrictions that target…
Jasper Scherer
Houston Chronicle