As ecology graduate students, we spent many hours discussing the theories that p

As ecology graduate students, we spent many hours discussing the theories that p

As ecology graduate students, we spent many hours discussing the theories that predict the relationship between the number of species in an area and that area’s size. One of the founders of leading theories in the field of biodiversity and species assembly rules is Dr. E. O. Wilson. Dr. Wilson’s papers and studies formed the basis of my education as a graduate student working to answer questions about biodiversity in Yellowstone National Park. He begins this first video that you will watch by describing his experimental research that lead to the development of theories on species area curves that could predict how many species will be found in a given area of habitat. You will watch this video and another by biologist Dr. Liz Hadly from Stanford University to complete the M02 Study Guide Assignment.
From Ants to Grizzlies: A General Rule for Saving Biodiversity | HHMI BioInteractive Video:
Humans, Biodiversity, and Habitat Loss — HHMI BioInteractive Video: