This assignment will be the same format as the midterm assignment. Please answer

This assignment will be the same format as the midterm assignment. Please answer

This assignment will be the same format as the midterm assignment. Please answer both questions and use the readings from the class. Do not research beyond the class materials.
Question 1 tracks with CO3: Considering that no negotiating process can achieve absolute parity, which side of the Northern Ireland Peace Process “gave in” to the demands of the other and with what results? Explain your answer in the context of short- and long-term gains.
Question 2 tracks with CO4: Should the United States ratify the Law of the Sea Convention?
To address the questions, compose an essay of no fewer than 2 and no more than 3 pages per question (double spaced). You should not conduct outside research and concentrate on using the course readings to display that you’ve completed them and understand their general arguments.