A). Public opinion is very important in any democracy. Citizens should have the

A). Public opinion is very important in any democracy. Citizens should have the

A). Public opinion is very important in any democracy. Citizens should have the right to voice their opinions and have their leaders listen to their opinions. However, we know that many Americans do not care much about politics and government and do not voice their opinions. Why do many Americans not care about politics? What can be done to get more Americans involved in the political process? (150 words minimum)
B). Political socialization is the process by which we acquire our political beliefs and attitudes. The three agents of political socialization are family, school, and peer groups. Using the three agents of socialization as a guide, describe in detail how the process of political socialization takes place. (150 words minimum)
C). Go to the following link, http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton-5491.html. Once you click on the link, scroll down and analyze the graph. What does the graph show? Do you see a trend in the polling data, and what do you think explains the data? Based on the polling data why did Donald Trump win the Presidential election and not Hillary Clinton? (150 words minimum)