You will need to write a reflection paper for topic you pick to do research on.

You will need to write a reflection paper for topic you pick to do research on.

You will need to write a reflection paper for topic you pick to do research on. Your ability to express and communicate concepts in writing will assist you with your cognitive development and your professional success. The suggested topics will be listed, however, you will identify the points you want to research and write about. The focus is entirely up to you; what you learned, what you dig into, how it relates to your future plans and actions.
Your reflection paper should be 500 words (excluding references), single-spaced, and should be broken into three sections:
(a) A brief summary of the topic you choose and why; your understanding or situation before this project to start with. Possible topics could be, but not limited to
Dealing with debits, such as credit card, student loan, car, mortgage, etc
(b) Introduce the most important concepts/principles from your research – articulate your points in a detailed way as you are trying to teach someone; and reflect what you consider to be the “take-home messages” of those concepts;
(c) How these “take-home messages” are related to what you have done so far in your life, and how will be applied in your future personal life. Remember, reflections could be more meaningful if they come from mindset shift or different ways to think rather than knowledge itself. The three sections above will serve as your guideline and organization of the paper, but will not limit what content you would like to deliver. Make sure to include proper references if needed and references will not be counted in the 500 words limit.