1. Choose a healthcare organization in your community. 2. This organization shou

1. Choose a healthcare organization in your community. 2. This organization shou

1. Choose a healthcare organization in your community. 2. This organization should be the environment where you currently work, or you hope to work in the future. Research this organization thoroughly. You may use online information, information from within the organization like brochures or handouts, or information you might glean from interviewing employees. 3. Respond to the following questions on the worksheet: Introduction: Provide an overview of the healthcare organization and its importance in the community. (A minimum of one paragraph is required, no more than two paragraphs). Major Departments in Healthcare: a. Identify and briefly describe at least six (6) major departments found in the healthcare organization. Include three (3) clinical departments (e.g., cardiology, radiology, obstetrics), two (2) administrative departments (e.g., finance, human resources), and one (1) support service (e.g., housekeeping, maintenance). b. Analyze the functions and responsibilities of one of your identified departments, highlighting their unique contributions to the overall healthcare ecosystem. (two paragraphs). Clinical Roles and Responsibilities: (two paragraphs). Non-Clinical Roles and Responsibilities: a. Explore the roles and responsibilities of three (3) non-clinical positions in the healthcare organization, such as healthcare administrators, medical coders, and patient service representatives. b. Analyze the significance of non-clinical roles in supporting the delivery of patient care and ensuring the smooth operation of healthcare organizations. (two paragraphs). Interdepartmental Collaboration: a. Discuss the importance of collaboration and teamwork between different departments in healthcare organizations. Explain how effective communication and coordination among departments contribute to seamless patient care. b. Provide examples of situations where interdepartmental collaboration is critical, such as emergency response and care coordination for complex cases essential to patient care delivery. (A minimum of one paragraph is required, no more than two paragraphs). 4. Do not change the worksheet or delete any information from the worksheet. You must use the worksheet provided for this assignment. You will not pass this assignment if you do not use the provided worksheet. 5. Place your answers to the questions under the sentences that provide the instructions. You can eliminate the instructions, but keep the headers: Introduction, Major Departments, Clinical Roles and Responsibilities, Non-clinical Roles and Responsibilities, and Interdepartmental Collaboration. 6. You do need to write your paper in the APA 7 format. The font for the assignment is 12 point, Times New Roman. 7. You must cite and incorporate at least two (2) references into your assessment. You can use the textbook as a reference and the dot com, dot org, or dot edu website of the organization you are researching. You can also choose to do your research in the library and find peer-reviewed sources. If you decide to do your outside research, the sources you select must select sources less than five years old. Blogs are not acceptable for use in this assignment. It is ideal for venturing to the library and seeking scholarly sources, as you can filter your search to include academic and peer-reviewed sources related to this week’s discussion content. 8. Avoid these statements when you are writing: I think…., In my opinion…, or I believe…. I want you to write with conviction and confidence, as though your insight will happen. Also, this assignment is not an opinion paper, so saying, in my opinion, is unacceptable. 9. Your assignment is due by 11:59 PM CST on Sunday. 10. You get two attempts to submit your assignment if you submit the wrong attempt. I will only grade the last attempt 11. If your assignment is graded early, you cannot use the second attempt to resubmit your assessment for a better grade. 12. Assignment submissions in a PDF format will receive a zero.