Using google scholar find sources as evidence for disucssion for sections “Pump

Using google scholar find sources as evidence for disucssion for sections “Pump

Using google scholar find sources as evidence for disucssion for sections “Pump system LAB-PERFORMANCE OF CENTRIFUGAL PUMP”, ‘Heat Transfer LAB-Forced convection in extended surfaces” and “Refrigeration LAB-REFRIGERATOR TRIAL”. Discuss the Derived results and curves obtained (with reference to the objectives). Why are the characteristics as they are? Comment on errors and possible improvements.
for Pump system LAB-PERFORMANCE OF CENTRIFUGAL PUMP, mainly discuss the following:
Discuss the results and curves obtained (with reference to the objectives). Why are the characteristics as they are? Try to find corroborating evidence.
7.2 Comment on the comparison of actual data recorded in each test and that predicted from the single speed operation at 3000 rev/min.
7.3 Comment on errors and possible improvements.
for Heat Transfer LAB-Forced convection in extended surfaces, mainly discuss the following:
Discuss the influence of the flow velocity on the surface temperature and the overall heat transfer in the report, explaining the implication of flow velocity into Nusselt number hence the convection heat transfer coefficient based on the following correlation as per the theory section.
for Refrigeration LAB-REFRIGERATOR TRIAL, mainly discuss the following:
The trends noticed in the efficiencies of the various components
• The calculated COP results in relation to the trends and values which are suggested by ideal Carnot analysis.
• The main differences between the types of COPs calculated.