Describe the current research related to your research question including a crim

Describe the current research related to your research question including a crim

Describe the current research related to your research question including a criminological theory (or two) that might help inform your hypothesis, ensuring the use of APA format including a reference page (properly formatted). 1) Current literature on topic (~1-2 pages) (15 points)
○ What does the previous literature in your topic area say about your research question (i.e., what did others find)
○ What is missing (i.e., what gaps exist) in the current literature (i.e., what don’t we know)?
2) Criminological theory (or two) that might apply (~1-2 pages) (15 points)
○ Name the theory and describe theory (what are its underlying assumptions? What does it theorize?)
○ How does your topic fit with this theory?
Research Topic:
) Sometimes at work people find themselves the object of sexual advances, propositions, or unwanted sexual discussions from co-workers or supervisors.
The advances sometimes involve physical contact and sometimes just involve sexual conversations. Has this ever happened to you?
I need it by 9:30 PM Eastern Time Zone