(due to same topic before )Part one (need finish before 2/28) Your outline submi

(due to same topic before )Part one (need finish before 2/28)
Your outline submi

(due to same topic before )Part one (need finish before 2/28)
Your outline submission should demonstrate your ability to present a clear narrative, showcase critical thinking skills, and provide evidence to support your final solution recommendation. Please include your cited research summary and links (minimum of 9).
Remember to discuss:
Challenge secondary research
Problem statement & evidence from research
SWOT analysis
Ideation summary
Final solution selection
Innovation criteria
Possible further qualitative research
Final solution recommendation
Submit online or as a .pdf
(Please see Module 8 – Start Here, for specific example in how to write your outline)
Part 2Please write a short paragraph sharing what you have learned in this course and answer the following prompts in your paragraph:
– What was new to your in this innovation & technical writing course?
– What was one thing that surprised you?
– What were you grateful to have learned?
– Which format/tool/technique do you feel that you would use again?
– What is one piece of advice you would give to another student taking this course?
part 3
Assignment Due:
As the consultant for your selected business challenge, your clients now expect to hear your recommendation.
You will submit a full 30-page report on your selected business challenge and why you’ve landed on the most impactful final solution after using the innovation framework. You will discuss your challenge research, your problem statement, which solution options you explored and why, and deliver an argument for why your final solution using the innovation criteria. Please note: you’ve spent the last 9-10 weeks compiling this report’s different aspects. Please ensure all elements build upon one another into one cohesive story.
All submissions must be .pdfs, in size 12 font, with APA-7 guidelines.
Please ensure to include footnotes and appendices, your research references (minimum of 9) will be checked.
Advised to have the writing center review all papers for grammar and spelling corrections before submission.
Page count includes title and reference pages. However, full-page graphics are not advised given that this is a writing assignment to tell a cohesive story. Graphics may take up 1/3 or 1/4 of the page.
APA-7 supplemental resources here:
https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/paper-format/sample-papersLinks to an external site.
https://apastyle.apa.org/products/supplemental-resourcesLinks to an external site.
https://apastyle.apa.org/products/publication-manual-7th-edition?tab=9Links to an external site.
Assignment 7 is just answer question