Use your text editor to create a .py file containing a Python program that conta

Use your text editor to create a .py file containing a Python program that conta

Use your text editor to create a .py file containing a Python program that contains a function called load_news_json(). This function should retrieve the JSON stored at the NPR news feed from the URL below and return the “items” list… The JSON returned by this news feed has a format similar to the following:
Your load_news_json() function should load the JSON and return the “items” list. Typically, this list will contain somewhere between 5 and 25 dictionaries. So load_news_json() should be returning a list of dictionaries.
Your program should call your load_news_json() function, iterate through the items, and write them to a CSV file called “news.csv” This CSV should have only two columns: title and url. The first row of the CSV should contain the heading, with the word “title” in the first column, and the word “url” in the second column. Then, the title and url values, for each row, should come from the corresponding entries in the news item’s dictionary.
For example, the old article shown in the screenshot above has a title of “Authorities Dismantle Transnational Cybercrime Group” and a URL of “” So these two values should appear in the row of the CSV corresponding to this article. Because there are at least 6 articles shown in the screenshot above, you can be sure that the CSV also will have at least 6 rows.