Directions: Complete this exercise; submit it into Canvas by 1:00 PM next Tuesda

Directions: Complete this exercise; submit it into Canvas by 1:00 PM next Tuesda

Directions: Complete this exercise; submit it into Canvas by 1:00 PM next Tuesday so that I can print myself a copy; bring a printed copy to class for yourself. There are student labs in JTS where you may print your work.
1. Angelou’s narrative consists of only 11 paragraphs. List the paragraphs’ numbers where Angelou uses dialogue. Then, beside each number that you have listed, identify who is speaking.
2. Paragraph 4 is just one short sentence. Explain the effect of the sentence’s brevity and placement?
3. Sister Monroe’s behavior seems very peculiar. Why does she act this way?
4. Angelou shifts writing strategies between paragraph 5 and paragraph 6. What effect does this shift have on the reader? Explain.
5. List the events that occur in paragraphs 5 through 9.
6. Angelou gives a vivid description of Sister Monroe. List all the physical characteristics of Sister Monroe.
7. Is the thesis statement implied or stated in this narrative? If stated, what is it? If implied, what is it?
8. What is the tone of this essay? Explain your answer.
9. On the next Sunday, why does the preacher take his lesson from the Gospel according to St. Luke and speak seriously about the Pharisees who prayed in the streets so that the public would be impressed with their religious devotion?
10. Did you enjoy this narrative? Explain your answer.