Case Study Final Report For the Case Study Final Report, please review the Examp

Case Study Final Report
For the Case Study Final Report, please review the Examp

Case Study Final Report
For the Case Study Final Report, please review the Example Template for the Frame Work (Attached). This will show you the concept that is expect for the final report of the company that was chosen Samsung.
Provide each of the Week Case Study separately and the combined the information to create the final report.
In order to complete the Final Report for this project you will need to complete the following:
Complete Cover Page (Template Attached)
Complete Week 2 Case Study (Instructions Attached)
Complete Week 4 Case Study (Instructions Attached)
Complete Week 6 Case Study Trend Analysis (Instructions Attached)
Complete Week 8 Case Study Final Report (Part 4) (Instructions Attached & Below)
Complete the Part 4: Summary and Conclusion section of your report.
• Summarize your analysis. Review your comments in the financial analysis section and provide your assessment of the overall status of the firm. Include any recommendations you think are appropriate.
• List any other recommendations you have for the firm in view of your analysis.
Two files required for submission:
1. Your final report using the framework:
You should use your revised previous work based on my feedback for this final report. Do not forget references and the income statement and balance sheet as appendixes. This should be in a single WORD file, where a person can read it from beginning to end without having to reference hidden files, or websites. Display and formatting is part of the grade.
Preview or print your report and see that it is formatted correctly and is easily read and followed by the reader. (Hint: Think of giving this report to your grandparents to show what you did in this class. They should be able to follow your report and analysis with ease.)
2. Please use one Excel file to combine your revised week 4 case study financials overview and week 6 case study trend analysis. Use one tab for week 4’s work and one tab for week 6’s work. And submit this Excel file.