What have you learned about your own values, biases, and ethical decision making

What have you learned about your own values, biases, and ethical decision making

What have you learned about your own values, biases, and ethical decision making processes throughout the course of this semester? Have there been challenges to your personal and professional values? Explain, making specific references to your readings (this course or other sources), discussion questions, previous experiences in your field internships, and/or experiences in your personal life during the term to illustrate your insights where appropriate. What issues do you anticipate your values may create for you as you enter the profession of social work? Discuss how the Saint Leo University core value of integrity is integrated into your ethical decision making. The paper will be 4 to 6 pages, font of 12, and follow APA (newest edition) format.
Criterion Score
APA & Writing Quality (10 points)
0 points
None of the following are demonstrated; (1) paper includes cover page and references; (2) paper consistently and flawlessly follows guidelines and APA manual (7th ed.) for headings, spacing, in-text and reference list citations; (3) no spelling, punctuation, and/or grammatical errors are readily apparent; (4) paper includes at least 2 scholarly references.
7 points
Two of the following are demonstrated; (1) paper includes cover page and references; (2) paper consistently and flawlessly follows guidelines and APA manual (7th ed.) for headings, spacing, in-text and reference list citations; (3) no spelling, punctuation, and/or grammatical errors are readily apparent; (4) paper includes at least 2 scholarly references.
8.5 points
Three of the following are demonstrated; (1) paper includes cover page and references; (2) paper consistently and flawlessly follows guidelines and APA manual (7th ed.) for headings, spacing, in-text and reference list citations; (3) no spelling, punctuation, and/or grammatical errors are readily apparent; (4) paper includes at least 2 scholarly references.
10 points
All the following are demonstrated in an exemplary way; (1) paper includes cover page and references; (2) paper consistently and flawlessly follows guidelines and APA manual (7th ed.) for headings, spacing, in-text and reference list citations; (3) no spelling, punctuation, and/or grammatical errors are readily apparent; (4) paper includes at least 2 scholarly references.
Score of APA & Writing Quality (10 points),
/ 10
[EPAS 2022 Advanced 1.1] Critical Thinking about Values and Biases (10 points)
0 points
None of the following elements is demonstrated; 1) open and honest discussion of values and biases is presented; 2) challenges to value system reveal insight; 3) personal and professional value conflicts and affective reactions in advanced clinical systems are described and differentiated.
7 points
One (1) of the following elements is demonstrated; 1) open and honest discussion of values and biases is presented; 2) challenges to value system reveal insight; 3) personal and professional value conflicts and affective reactions in advanced clinical are described and differentiated.
8.5 points
Two (2) of the following elements are demonstrated; 1) open and honest discussion of values and biases is presented; 2) challenges to value system reveal insight; 3) personal and professional value conflicts and affective reactions in advanced clinical systems are described and differentiated.
10 points
Three (3) of the following elements are demonstrated; 1) open and honest discussion of values and biases is presented; 2) challenges to value system reveal insight; 3) personal and professional value conflicts and affective reactions in advanced clinical systems are described and differentiated.
Score of [EPAS 2022 Advanced 1.1] Critical Thinking about Values and Biases (10 points),
/ 10
[EPAS 2022 Advanced 1.3] Challenges to Values (10)
0 points
One or none of the following elements are demonstrated in an exemplary manner: 1) at least 3 issues that will manifest themselves as a result of the student’s value system are thoroughly described in the paper; 2) manage personal values and maintain professionalism are addressed in terms of issues that will present themselves as the student enters the social work profession; 3) professional values are addressed in terms of issues that will present themselves as the student enters the social work profession; 4) the student notes some options for addressing these issues as they present themselves.
7 points
Two (2) of the following elements are demonstrated in an exemplary manner: 1) at least 3 issues that will manifest themselves as a result of the student’s value system are thoroughly described in the paper; 2) manage personal values and maintain professionalism are addressed in terms of issues that will present themselves as the student enters the social work profession; 3) professional values are addressed in terms of issues that will present themselves as the student enters the social work profession; 4) the student notes some options for addressing these issues as they present themselves.
8.5 points
Three (3) of the following elements are demonstrated in an exemplary manner: 1) at least 3 issues that will manifest themselves as a result of the student’s value system are thoroughly described in the paper; 2) manage personal values and maintain professionalism are addressed in terms of issues that will present themselves as the student enters the social work profession; 3) professional values are addressed in terms of issues that will present themselves as the student enters the social work profession; 4) the student notes some options for addressing these issues as they present themselves.
10 points
Four (4) of the following elements are demonstrated in an exemplary manner: 1) at least 3 issues that will manifest themselves as a result of the student’s value system are thoroughly described in the paper; 2) manage personal values and maintaining professionalism are addressed in terms of issues that will present themselves as the student enters the social work profession; 3) professional values are addressed in terms of issues that will present themselves as the student enters the social work profession; 4) the student notes some options for addressing these issues as they present themselves.
Score of [EPAS 2022 Advanced 1.3] Challenges to Values (10),
/ 10
Sant Leo Core Values (10)
0 points
The Saint Leo core value of integrity is NOT integrated into the concept of ethical decision making or the student’s personal and/or professional value system.
7 points
The Saint Leo core value of integrity is MINMALLY integrated into the concept of ethical decision making or the student’s personal and/or professional value system.
8.5 points
The Saint Leo core value of integrity is MOSTLY integrated into the concept of ethical decision making or the student’s personal and/or professional value system.
10 points
The Saint Leo core value of integrity is FULLY integrated into the concept of ethical decision making or the student’s personal and/or professional value system.
Score of Sant Leo Core Values (10),
/ 10
[EPAS 2022 Behavior 2.2] Quality of Reflections (10)
0 points
None of the following elements is demonstrated: 1) Statements are descriptive rather than reflective; 2) Statements provide evidence of the student’s growth in critical/analytical thinking skills; 3) Reflections evidence cultural humility by applying critical reflection, self-awareness, and self-regulation to manage the influence of bias, power, privilege, and values in working with clients and constituencies, acknowledging them as experts of their own lived experience values.
7 points
One of the following elements demonstrated: 1) Statements are reflective rather than descriptive; 2) Statements provide evidence of the student’s growth in critical/analytical thinking skills; 3) Reflections evidence cultural humility by applying critical reflection, self-awareness, and self-regulation to manage the influence of bias, power, privilege, and values in working with clients and constituencies, acknowledging them as experts of their own lived experience
8.5 points
Two of the following elements are demonstrated: 1) Statements are reflective e rather than descriptive 2) Statements provide evidence of the student’s growth in critical/analytical thinking skills; 3) Reflections evidence cultural humility by applying critical reflection, self-awareness, and self-regulation to manage the influence of bias, power, privilege, and values in working with clients and constituencies, acknowledging them as experts of their own lived experience
10 points
Three of the following elements are demonstrated: 1) Statements are reflective rather than descriptive) Statements provide evidence of the student’s growth in critical/analytical thinking skills; 3) Reflections evidence cultural humility by applying critical reflection, self-awareness, and self-regulation to manage the influence of bias, power, privilege, and values in working with clients and constituencies, acknowledging them as experts of their own lived experience Score of [EPAS 2022 Behavior 2.2] Quality of Reflections (10),
/ 10