The toxicological evaluation is designed to provide students with an opportunity

The toxicological evaluation is designed to provide students with an opportunity

The toxicological evaluation is designed to provide students with an opportunity to do their own risk evaluation of an assigned compound. Each student will be assigned a compound and will assess where or not the compound is poses risk to biological systems (humans, animals, and environment). The assessment should include the following provided the information is available:
Description of the compound (what is it)
Location (where is it found; naturally occurring or synthetic)
Summary of a case study (eg. poisoning, ecological disaster, historical use)
Uses (eg. therapeutic, agricultural)
Toxicodynamic properties (what does it do)
Toxicokinetic properties (ADME)
Mechanism of toxicity (if known)
Sensitive populations
Federal Regulations
Reference exposure doses (oral or inhalation;
Your assessment on the potential risk to humans, animals and/or the environment
The assessment should be concise (please no more than 5 pages). All information must be sighted from a peer reviewed source (acceptable sources are listed below in the Recommended Reading Section). Each student will give a brief presentation (chalk talk NO PowerPoint or other media) on the last day of class.