Please write a paper (3–5 pages NOT including cover or reference pages; APA styl

Please write a paper (3–5 pages NOT including cover or reference pages; APA styl

Please write a paper (3–5 pages NOT including cover or reference pages; APA style, on a leader, in an agency or organization, with whom you are familiar who inspired you or was detrimental to the agency. Using one leadership theory (not a description from a textbook or website; and please cite a peer-reviewed journal article(s) describing the theory), describe what it was about who they were and their leadership behavior that influenced you, either positively or negatively. Please refer to course readings and find your own peer-reviewed journal articles to support your perspective, and cite in your paper. For example, an inspirational leader may have demonstrated a transformational leadership style. Please cite at least one article that describes that style of leadership. Please do not summarize the leadership article in your paper, but rather provide specific examples of how your leader demonstrated certain characteristics and behaviors typical of a transformational leader and refer back to the article for details of that particular leadership style. Please be specific about how you were influenced by them.
Papers will be graded based on the following criteria. Selection of one leadership theory to describe the type of leadership demonstrated or not demonstrated.
The leader of focus is someone who led an agency where you worked/interned, not a popular leader such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Paper was uploaded into Brightspace by the due date.
Clear description of the leadership theory being used (only one) and reference to peer-reviewed journal articles (including the article(s) used to describe the leadership theory) and other credible sources.
Quality of direct link of specific examples of leadership behavior described (or lack of desired demonstrated behavior) to the leadership theory selected.
Quality of writing (e.g., use of APA style, clarity of ideas, logical, concise, free of grammatical, sentence structure, and spelling errors).
book is Management and Leadership in Social Work
A Competency-Based Approach
Rofuth, Todd W., DSW, LMSW |
Piepenbring, Julie M., PhD, LCSW
theories include
—Transactional(can be passive or active- quid pro quo)
—Charismatic (some downsides include misuse of, staff becoming overly dependent, leader ahead of organization.) —Servant Leadership Style (composed of the following 10 behaviors: 1. Listening 2. Empathy 3. Healing “broken spirits” and “emotional hurts” 4. General and self-awareness 5. Persuasion, not positional authority, continued….
—Servant Leadership Style continued (6. Broad conceptual thinking and visioning 7. Learning from past and foreseeing future outcomes 8. Stewardship 9. Commitment to the growth of the people 10. Building community)
—Others 🙁 affiliative, democratic, pacesetting, coaching, etc.)