FINAL DRAFT PROCESS ANALYSIS DUE, Saturday, 10 February, 11:59PM If your paper i

FINAL DRAFT PROCESS ANALYSIS DUE, Saturday, 10 February, 11:59PM
If your paper i

FINAL DRAFT PROCESS ANALYSIS DUE, Saturday, 10 February, 11:59PM
If your paper is not in by Saturday, it will be considered late (up to 20% grade reduction). The assignment will stay open until THURSDAY, 15 February; if your paper is not submitted by then it is too late to submit a paper at all.
This is not prewriting; this is final draft. Be sure to follow all requirements
The assignment file can be found in the Process Analysis Essay module and in Files
Don’t forget to double-space, underline thesis, italicize topic sentences and include an accurate and alphabetical works cited page. Put your name in the left-hand corner and title your work.
Underline your thesis 3%
Italicize your topic sentences. 7%
You should have a minimum of four body paragraphs (six paragraphs altogether) with relevant topics, original thought and supporting ideas, and non-repetitive major ideas. See scoring matrix for additional details 18%
Use at least five quotes from five different COURSE-ASSIGNED 13% (You may use more than five.)
You must use Susan Biemesderfer and Saga Briggs “Why Self-Esteem Hurts Learning But Self-Confidence Does The Opposite”” as two of the course-assigned sources. 7%
Minimum word count: 1150 10%
You need at least two outside (researched) academic source to support your argument. 6%
This means you need a minimum of 7 different sources with six direct quotes or paraphrases ALTOGETHER. Do not exceed more than eight quotes and/or paraphrases in this paper.
You need correctly formatted in-text citations for this essay (10%) Use in-text citations: (Author’s last name), (Author’s last name par#), (Author last name pg#) or if no author (“Title” par#) or (“Title”). Failure to cite your sources is
You need a correctly formatted Works Cited page (9%) (see sample below)
Your name, professor’s name, course number (EWRT1A) and date listed in LEFT-HAND corner of page 2%
MLA standard formatting: double-spaced, indented paragraphs; centered title; margins must be @ least 1”to 1.25 all around. 4%
Number your pages: include your last name and page numbers in the upper right-hand corner of every page 2%
Avoid the use of first-person (I, me, my) and second-person pronouns (you, your) ), and avoid gerunds. 5%
Use appropriate (time order and emphasis) transitional words or phrases. 4%
Include the Scoring Matrix as the last page of your essay in COURSE TEXTBOOK module and Files.
Sample works cited in Course Textbook module
Scoring matrix in Course Textbook module