Send AI and Plagiarism Turnitin Report Writing Activities: Please in your own wo

Send AI and Plagiarism Turnitin Report
Activities: Please in your own wo

Send AI and Plagiarism Turnitin Report
Activities: Please in your own words (at least 300 FOR EACH QUESTION)
write an essay addressing four of the seven Critical Thinking Questions
listed below. Please label your answers by putting the question above
each. Do not combine your answers, each question should be answered
individually (again 300 words or more). Responses must be submitted via
canvas using the submission button, located right beneath the
assignment. You cannot receive more than a 5% similarity report. PUT
FROM YOUR TEXT FOR YOUR ESSAYS. If assignments are not completed in this
manner, you will receive a “ZERO”.
Critical Thinking Questions
If criminal behavior is learned, explain who taught the first criminal?
Which element of Hirschi’s theory is supported by the school failure– delinquency link?
If negative labels are damaging, do positive ones help insulate
people from crime-producing forces in their environment? Justify your
How would a social process theorist explain the fact that many
children begin offending at an early age and then desist from crime as
they mature? Take for instance differential association and other
learning theories. If you learn criminal definitions, how do you
“unlearn” them as you mature?
Regarding the Neutralization Theory do you believe that people learn
and embrace neutralization techniques prior to committing the crime, or
are there actually rationalizations formulated after the act to explain
away their illegal acts? In other words, are neutralizations a cause or
an effect of crime?
6. Describe how the educational setting influences crime.
7. Explain the concepts of primary deviance and secondary deviance in
relation to the onset of crime. Please use examples in your response.
Send AI and Plagiarism Turnitin Report