GLOBAL STUDIES ASSIGNMENT “Answer the following questions (at least 2 paragraphs

“Answer the following questions (at least 2 paragraphs

“Answer the following questions (at least 2 paragraphs per answer). Each question covers one of the chapters we have studied in class.”
Q1. (Historical Globalization). History affects not only nation-states and cultures but also individuals and families. Make a list of two key historical events or trends that have shaped your family’s history. How did your family’s experience of these events shape who you are today? How do they define what you may want for your future and for the future of your family? Then ask one family member or loved one what item(s) would be on his or her list.
Q2. (Economic Globalization). Lapavitsas and colleagues (2012) suggest that acceptance of austerity principles and neoliberal recommendations on the part of many countries in the eurozone has resulted in measurable temporary fixes but long-term chaos as well. Choose one country—Iceland, Greece, Portugal, or Spain. Identify one austerity principle they were asked to follow. Then, using a newspaper database such as The New York Times Index, search for economic stories about that country and identify whether the austerity measures taken are addressed in the article and what the principle followed was. Can you identify the ideological stance of the author regarding these activities?
Q3. (Political Globalization). “How does culture impact our understanding of human rights? Are certain human rights universal?”