Part 3: Elucidate the hypothesisWhen you read a scientific paper the authors fre

Part 3: Elucidate the hypothesisWhen you read a scientific paper the authors fre

Part 3: Elucidate the hypothesisWhen you read a scientific paper the authors frequently focus on one key experiment or major finding in the introduction. Similarly, as you read the methods section, the methods are not linked to the figures and tables in which they were used.
However, as you go through the various figures and experiments that were performed, you should realize that there are many different hypothesis that were tested by the authors. Your task for this assignment is to take each figure, cartoon, and description in your own words and write a hypothesis or question that was addressed. Key tips:
Make sure you have a hypothesis for each figure of the paper.
You are not being graded on whether or not your hypothesis is right. You are being asked to critically think about why the authors have performed each experiment.
Don’t overthink this. Come up with a simple question that could be answered or explained using the data in the figure.