This will be a 3–7 minute persuasive speech in which you will present a problem

This will be a 3–7 minute persuasive speech in which you will present a problem

This will be a 3–7 minute persuasive speech in which you will present a problem in society and convince us that your solution can solve the problem. You will need to use persuasive language and strong sources to accomplish this. This speech is worth 200 points.
You will use the problem cause solution format, Here’s an overview (and review)Links to an external site. of what you have previously read. Caution: Your speech will be more effective if you choose an issue that you actually care about. You will automatically come across as more passionate and concerned. Choosing a local topic also helps. Try to stay away from overused topics and avoid all prohibited topics to avoid earning a zero on your persuasive speech, no matter how flawlessly it is delivered. An outline is required for this speech. Please use the attached outline template or another appropriate outlined you’ve selected based on communication with your instructor and course readings and guidelines. Do not write your speech out word for word. You are not required to submit your outline. You must use five scholarly, peer-reviewed research sources for this speech. Avoid prohibited sources. All sources must be peer-reviewed. Do not use .com or .org websites (that are not scholarly and peer-reviewed). Avoid all media sources. Review your syllabus or course rules for additional information about acceptable sources. This speech requires you to provide a self-review of your presentation. See the separate assignment for that! Remember that you should dress professionally when giving this speech. No shorts, t-shirts, jeans, torn pants, no exercise clothes or gym wear, no headwear of any kind (closely held religious beliefs excepted), no t-shirts. If these are present you earn a maximum of 50% on your speech with no opportunity to make it up. “I didn’t know” or “I didn’t see it” are not acceptable excuses.