1. Go to https://www.isidewith.com/political-quiz and take the quiz over what po

1. Go to https://www.isidewith.com/political-quiz and take the quiz over what po

1. Go to https://www.isidewith.com/political-quiz and take the quiz over what political party you most likely align with. DO NOT just assume you are either Republican or Democrat you must take the quiz. At the end of the quiz it will tell you what political party you most likely align with. I am NOT looking for the information on what candidate for President you most align with so make sure you click on the political parties at the top to see which party you align with. Make sure you write down or take a screen shot of the top two results the quiz gives you and the percentages. You will need this information for your assignment. (Step one)
It should look something like this but with your individual results:
1. Democrat 56%
2. Republican 22%
3. Freedom Party 21%
4. Libertarian 22%
5. etc.
6. etc.
2. Once you learn what party you most align with you will need to find how your party feels about the following issues:
• Immigration
• Environment
• Education
• Health Care
Basically you will be researching the official stance or platform of the political party you most align with on the issues above. I have the links to each of the four major parties for you at the bottom and this should help you in finding this information out.
Paragraphs 1-4: Write a paragraph for each topic summarizing your party’s stance on the aforementioned topics. This should be written in your own words. Each paragraph should state whether you agree with your political party on each issue? Be specific. If not, in what ways do you disagree? Again, be specific. This is not an easy assignment; the essay requires you to do research outside of the book. Do not plagiarize.
If possible, please complete the assignment on one of the four major political parties listed below. The other parties in the isidewith quiz are minor parties and they may not have all the information that we are looking for.
The political party links are below for you to reference if you need help researching your answer:
https://www.arkansasgop.org – Republican Party of Arkansas
https://www.arkdems.org – Democratic Party of Arkansas
greenpartyofarkansas.org – Green Party of Arkansas
lpar.org – Libertarian Party of Arkansas