Can you please look at the papers attached? I need to know if the articles are

Can you please look at the papers attached? I need to know if the articles are

Can you please look at the papers attached? I need to know if the articles are all peer reviewed articles? Are they correct based off the rubric?
Is the Annotated Bibliography typed correctly?
*********(THIS IS IMPORTANT) I also need to know what type of article they are? Are they: qualitative, quantitative, conceptual/theoretical, literature review, and or mixed methods. (highlighted in blue)
Is this correct?
Do they have the correct APA formatting of citation including DOI
Are they from a peer-reviewed journal?
annotation is:
1) complete – e.g. describes the type of study/article (e.g. conceptual/theoretical, literature review, qual/quant/mixed methods), the research question(s) being explored, the methods (including sample)
• Articles must be from within the time period of 2013-2023 (your seminal article is exempt from this timeframe requirement and must be identified as a seminal article in your annotation).
• A minimum of three of your articles must be qualitative studies, and a minimum of three must be quantitative studies. Mixed-methods studies can count toward both requirements.