Using the attached word document (Group4-Project6.docx) develop a narrated prese

Using the attached word document (Group4-Project6.docx) develop a narrated prese

Using the attached word document (Group4-Project6.docx) develop a narrated presentation for the members of your organization’s board as well as the CIO and other managers. Your technical report will provide an analysis of the infrastructure and the threats, based on the incident that first brought the organization’s security issues to your team’s attention. You will use your team’s finding from both reports as the basis for this presentation.
The board will decide what actions are taken and how much money will be allocated for cybersecurity. Therefore, your slide deck must capture the salient points of your research, the results of the lab tests of the password-cracking tools, and the team’s proposals to tighten information security practices. Consider the suggestions in the table below to focus your efforts for this presentation.
Topics to Address in the Narrated Presentation
Keep the primary goals of your presentation in mind as you build your presentation to the board: Be credible, be clear, and provide reasoned, actionable recommendations.
Present your technical findings succinctly for a non-technical audience.
Avoid acronyms, slang, or jargon; opt for clear language and clear explanations.
Provide a high-level summary of the infrastructure, the vulnerabilities that may have enabled the breach, and recommended actions.
Explain what happened, the impact on the organization, and your proposed actions with rationales and estimated costs.
You are limited to 12 slides, excluding the cover slide and references.
DO NOT USE CONTENT FROM THE PDF ATTACHMENT (only utilize as an example and reference)