Each student must complete the term project, an 8-12 page APA Style paper. Your

Each student must complete the term project, an 8-12 page APA Style paper. Your

Each student must complete the term project, an 8-12 page APA Style paper. Your paper should have at least 8-12 pages of substance, not counting the cover and reference pages. Please be sure that your paper is a Word Document (.doc) uploaded to the assignment section as an attachment. Students will be required to use at least three scholarly – (peer-reviewed)- sources. Students have access to peer-reviewed sources through the APUS library.
Students are required to follow APA Style guidelines.
I will use the writing rubric to grade all written work during the class. Please use the writing rubric as a checklist for all your academic writing in this class and throughout your educational experience at AMU. (see attachment below for grading rubric.)
Students must choose from one of the following topics for their paper: (PICK ANY)
1. The “Blue Wall of Silence” and Police Culture
2. Ethical Decision-Making Process
3. Developing Ethical Leaders
4. The Ethical Role of Police Subculture
5. Ethics vs. Morals
6. Defining Police Ethics
7. Defining Ethical Leadership Practices
8. The Purpose of a Code of Ethics within Police Agencies
9. Police Professionalism and Responsibility
Students should choose one these topics and write about its relevance to police ethics. Be thinking about identifying the major talking points about your topic that are important to review. Critically assess the literature on the subject. I am looking for critical thinking and a clear indication that you have a grasp of the literature.
Do not include quotes in your work. I want to see your critical thinking skills on display and not a string of quotes written by published authors. Your analysis is what is needed for a successful paper. In other words, the peer-reviewed sources used in the paper should be paraphrased, cited in proper APA format, and reflect critical thinking.
At this point in your educational journey, you should have solid substance and proper academic formatting in your college-level writing assignments. Students will be graded on both, so you turn in your best work.
Do not wait until the last minute to research, write, format, and edit. Proper time management is required to submit a quality paper highlighting your criminal justice writing.