Read review and comment on students post below: Professor & Class, Canas offe

Read review and comment on students post below: Professor & Class,
Canas offe

Read review and comment on students post below: Professor & Class,
Canas offers us an intricate look at the devastating effects of an imbalance of power. In her story, there are several instances of unfettered power; these dynamics come in various forms throughout her story. A few examples of relationships with power dynamics are Beatriz and Tia Fernanda, Don Rodolfo and Beatriz, and Solorzano’s family and the people of San Isidro. One theme common in all these relationships is that one side has power, and the other seemingly has none. Beatriz feels that she needs to marry Rodolfo to improve her station and escape her aunt’s oppression, but ironically, she leaves one bad situation for a worse one. We discover that Rodolfo is capable of horrendous acts of cruelty, and his family has a history of treating the people of San Isidro as less than human.
How does this relate to our class? The readings throughout this course highlight the stories of marginalized authors. Many of these stories offer us the real-life struggles of the oppressed throughout history, the present day, and into the future. The imbalance of power is a key factor in the marginalization of people. Though The Hacienda is set in the early 1800s, many of the themes can be seen in society today. Canas gives us a genuine look at the pain and suffering caused by human oppression.