Assignment This assignment requires you to apply the concepts learned in this mo

This assignment requires you to apply the concepts learned in this mo

This assignment requires you to apply the concepts learned in this module in a real-world setting. Please review the below PDF file for the assignment details:
Module 4_Caesars EntertainmentLinks to an external site.
Please watch the videos below for examples using What-If Analysis in Excel:
Module 4 Case Study Videos
Please submit two files:
Your memo in a Word file – use a memo format! Be sure to address all of Logan’s questions. You should use complete sentences, proper grammar, and appropriate expression of ideas for professional correspondence.
Your analysis in Excel – clearly label your work! Please use Excel capabilities to calculate numbers – don’t just type the answers.
View Rubric
Case Study – Module 4
Case Study – Module 4
Technical Analysis: What-If Data Analysis25 pts
Identifies all technical analysis that is appropriate and performs is correctly20 pts
Identifies some technical analysis that is appropriate and/or performs most of it correctly10 pts
Limited, incomplete or incorrect technical analysis0 pts
Fails to identify and perform technical analysis/ 25 pts
Technical Analysis: Break-even & Target Income
25 pts
Identifies all technical analysis that is appropriate and performs is correctly20 pts
Identifies some technical analysis that is appropriate and/or performs most of it correctly10 pts
Limited, incomplete or incorrect technical analysis0 pts
Fails to identify and perform technical analysis/ 25 pts
Conclusions, Implications, and Consquences
25 pts
Conclusion is comprehensive and objectively reflects on assertions; derived from analysis; considers implications and consequences20 pts
Conclusion derived from analysis; some consideration of implications and/or consequences10 pts
Conclusion is somewhat derived from analysis; limited consideration of implications and/or consequences0 pts
Fails to identify conclusions, implications, and consequences/ 25 pts
Communicate Results
25 pts
Communicated comprehensively and logically; main points are presented and supported well; language and memo format are professional; free of grammar, punctuation and spelling errors20 pts
Communicated reasonably well with logical flow; most main points are presented and supported reasonably well; language is mostly professional; failed to use a professional memo format; limited grammar, punctuation and spelling errors10 pts
Poorly communicated; lacking logical flow; many main points are not presented or supported well; language is somewhat professional; failed to use a professional memo format; frequent grammar, punctuation and spelling errors0 pts
Fails to communicate results/ 25 pts
Total Points: 0