After your interview, respond to and submit your answers to the following questi

After your interview, respond to and submit your answers to the following questi

After your interview, respond to and submit your answers to the following questions
1. What went well? What could use improvement?
2. Were you prepared with convincing answers to obvious or common questions? How did you prepare? Describe at what points you realized and felt that you were unprepared. 3. Were your answers clear and specific? What were the best statements you made that were clear and specific?
4. Did you reference evidence and examples? What were they? 5. Look back at your Key Competencies assignment. Did you tell them everything you wanted them to know about you from these competencies? What do you wish you had covered that would have made you a stronger candidate? 6. Did you use your voice well, varying the tone and pace of your answers?
7. To which question do you feel you gave the strongest answer? Briefly summarize the question and answer here, and describe why it worked so well.
8. Similarly, which answer was your weakest? Briefly describe the question and answer. How could you improve this answer in the future?
9. Overall, how well do you feel you answered the questions, on a scale of 1 – 5, with 5 being the highest? Why?
10. Describe your positive body language. What was challenging about your body language?
11. Did you seem truly interested in the position? What made you seem so?
12. Did you smile?
13. Did you prepare interesting questions to ask the interviewer? What were they?
14. What surprised you about the interview?
15. Did you research the role and the organization well enough?
16. Did your nerves get in the way of your answering well? 17. Are there relaxation techniques you could use to help you?
18. What else happened before, during, or after the interview that may reflect on you in the interviewer’s opinion? 19. What other preparation do you advise for yourself next time?