You are the Global Corporate Security Manager for ZumaJay International, a Softw

You are the Global Corporate Security Manager for ZumaJay International, a Softw

You are the Global Corporate Security Manager for ZumaJay International, a Software development company. Your firm employs approximately 5,000 people, with office locations in fifteen countries, including UK, USA, Germany, India, China and Russia. The company has a financial turnover in excess of £1bn in the last financial period.
You have been asked to consider a proposed update of access control in the UK Office located at 22b Canary Wharf, London. ZumaJay International are the sole occupants of this building.
The Canary Wharf office is the JumaJay HQ office. The business conducted in this office includes group communications, group administration, group IT (including servers), and software development. The workforce will comprise approximately one hundred personnel. There is no general access to the public, though visitors, clients and contractors regularly visit and attend meetings in the building.
The building has three floors and a basement carpark for use by staff and visitors. The main building has a main entrance/exit at the front of the building leading to a lobby and reception desk. There is another entrance/exit at the rear of the building. All visitors, clients and contractors use the front entrance/exit, with the rear entrance/exit reserved for deliveries.
The basement carpark located directly under the building has single entrance/exit point and can be accessed directly from the public road/pavement. There are stairs from the carpark to the reception lobby of the main building. There is no barrier or other access control into the carpark.